The Practice will be closed on Monday 27th May, due to the Spring Bank Holiday.  Out of Hours services will still be available. For urgent medical advise, please call 111. In the event of a life threatening emergency, please call 999.

If you are likely to run out of medication before Tuesday 28th May, please submit your request in writing or using the online form on or before Wednesday 22nd May.

The Practice will reopen as normal on Tuesday 28th May at 08:00.



There are several ways to get the medical advice you need. We offer face to face and telephone appointments for routine (up to 4 weeks in advance) and emergency conditions and advice via an online consultation (Consult).

If you are unwell and need an emergency appointment please contact the practice as early in the day as possible.

Appointments are available throughout the day during our opening hours and can be booked online limited in number), by telephone or in-person at the Reception desk. Please select one of the below appointment types, to get the best suited help on time.